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The Board of Directors of Qatar Cinema and Film Distribution is pleased to invite you to the meet of the Annual General Ordinaryn ;amp; Extraordinary Meeting ;nbsp;of the company which will be held at 4:30 P.M, on Sunday 12/02/2017 in Radisson Blu hotel (Formerly Ramada)n Joana hall . In case of the lack of quorum, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday corresponding to 15/02/2017, at the same time and placen of the first meeting to review the following:Agenda of The Ordinary General Meeting1.To hear the statement of Board of Directors on the company’sn activities and its financial position for the year ended 31 December 2016 and its business plans .2.To hear and endorse the report of the Externaln Auditor on the company’s statement for the year 2016 .3.To discuss and endorse the company’s financial statement and income and loss statements n to be approved and discuss the recommendation of the Board of Directors to distribute shareholders a cash ;nbsp;dividend at the rate of 10{d0a385e30d8ca3a735cbdddbe3b6ff1bf6d200006e890cb2915a7ec4111ca89c} of n the nominal value of share capital , representing QR 1.00 per share for the year 2016 .n 4. To absolve the members of the Board of Directors from any ;nbsp;liability for the financial year ended 31 December 2016 .n 5.To discuss and endorse the Company Governance Report of the 2016.;nbsp;n 6.To appoint the external auditor for the financial year 2017 and determine their fees .Agenda for Extraordinary General Meetingn Modifying the article No. 25 which stipulates the following (The management of the company shall ;nbsp;headed by the Board of n Directors consisting of 9 members , shall be elected by the Ordinary General Assembly through vote by secret ballot , n the Board members shall contain executives and non-executives members as well as independent members ).n The suggested modification for article No. 25 ;nbsp;(The management of the company shall headed by the Board of Directors consisting of 7 members ,n shall be elected by the Ordinary General Assembly through vote by secret ballot , the Board members shall contain executives and non-executivesn members as well as independent members ).